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reading in 2018

I have quite a few goals for myself in 2018, but one of the major ones is to read more. Last year I had set a goal to read 20 books, and read only about 12. I spend a lot of time looking at screens, whether it be my phone, laptop, or TV. When I was younger, I was a total bookworm. My favorite part of the day was independent reading, and I constantly used to get in trouble for reading books under my desk during class. I got a Kindle for my 14th birthday and you probably would have thought I had gotten a car for how excited I was. that kindle lasted me a few year until the screen broke, and last spring I finally purchased a new Kindle. I purchased the kindle right before I started a series of trips home last spring, as I would be able to read and watch shows while on my flights. Although the Kindle was fairly inexpensive, it has served me very well over the past year. (Tip: I've found that if you leave it in Airplane mode, the battery lasts for days!) I can do a whole review on my Kindle if anyone is interested.

 This year I've set my goal higher at 30 books. This may seem ambitious, considering I barely made it halfway to last year's goal, but I have already made a habit of reading almost every night before bed in the past few weeks, and have already finished two books. I am an avid user of GoodReads (Follow me here) and always use it to track my progress in my books. Similar to a FitBit, you can see your friend's progress in books they are reading as well, which I find to be a very motivating factor in my reading. One of my favorite genres of books is political non-fiction. It has been since I started reading George W Bush's autobiography in High School (full disclosure, still haven't finished it). At any given time, I am probably reading about 4 different books, and usually at least one of them is about politics. I think that's when you know you picked the right college major!

I am currently reading:
Fire and Fury
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The Year of Voting Dangerously

On my (NEVER ENDING) list to read next:
What Happened
You Deserve a Drink
Our Little Racket
10% Happier
and more, you can see my comprehensive list here.

 A couple of books that I've recently finished and loved:
Single State of Mind
The Case for Impeachment

My favorite places to boys books are definitely Amazon and Target. If it's the cheapest or I'm dying to read it, I will purchase a book in Kindle format. I usually buy books at Target as a nice treat for myself, and they often have a deal on newer books as well. Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.


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