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behind the blog title

I mentioned in my introduction post that I would be back to explain the title of my blog a little bit more. I also mentioned in that post some of my previous blog names. At the time, I really liked those names, and even stuck with one for a long time. The biggest issue was that I outgrew it. I'm not primarily living on the North Shore of Chicago anymore (3 years later and that still feels so weird to say) and I'm years past my overtly preppy stage. North Shore Proper just didn't make sense anymore.

Cut to summer of 2017 when I finally decided that I wanted to start blogging again. I was brainstorming ideas for blog titles. For someone starting out, it felt odd to name a site solely on my name, so that was out of the question for me. Then I started thinking about my favorite things. One of the most "sacred" things in my life is my morning cup of coffee. I want this blog to be a place where someone sits down with their cup of coffee (or tea) and feels like we're sitting across from each other chatting in a coffee shop.

Now that I've explained the coffee part, I need to explain the other half: Confidence. I struggled a lot with social anxiety and mild depression in High School, and still struggle with it, now well into college, but one thing I have never lacked is confidence. That might not make any sense to some of you, but for me, confidence is a non-negotiable part of my life. Sure I'm scared of doing stuff all the time, and have anxiety about everyday things, but I always know deep down that I can do whatever I set my mind to. I know that those two things might seem like two opposites that don't go together at all, but that's one of the reasons I wanted to create this blog.

Confidence x Coffee (read: confidence by coffee) is somewhere that I'll be sharing parts of my life that I have really struggled with, and other parts where I have excelled. Coffee is part of my daily routine, as well as reading other blogs and scrolling through Instagram (for way longer than should be allowed) and I hope that maybe this blog may become a part of your routine.


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