Although this is the first post on this blog, this is not my first blog post. From 2012 to 2016 I wrote a "fashion and lifestyle" blog which went by many names, but for the most part "North Shore Proper." That blog grew with me from my freshman year of high school, all the way through my freshman year of college, and even into the first few months of my sophomore year. I'm halfway through my junior year of college, and for that last few months, I've had this itch to start blogging again.
I guess I should probably explain why I stopped blogging?
The answer is, I don't know. I guess I wasn't finding joy in it anymore, I didn't have enough time to dedicate to it, the fashion blogging world had blown up into a virtually impossible space to thrive, and if we're being real... I got lazy. I can be a very driven person when I want to be, but if it is something I'm not very passionate about, I have trouble finding the motivation. I lost my passion for North Shore Proper, and let it die. (Not really, the site and all my posts are still there if you want to browse through it).
That brings me to this blog. Over the past few months, I've had lots of times where a great idea for a blog post pops into my head, and I think about resurrecting North Shore Proper, but I eventually realized that that blog wasn't the type of blog I wanted to write anymore. This blog will be a little bit of everything, fashion, lifestyle, advice (as if I'm qualified to give advice ha!), and honestly just a collection of my experiences. What I hope I can offer through this blog is a look into the life of a caffeine addicted college student trying to live her best life. I will share more about the title of this blog soon, but for now, just bear with me and follow along. If you have anything you'd like to see in particular here, please let me know! My social media accounts are linked on this page, and you can follow via e-mail through the button at the bottom of the page.
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