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Senior Year

I can't believe I'm already a month into my senior year of college. It's always been going quickly, but I feel like this year has been such a whirlwind already. Professors are already giving out midterms...

I didn't mean to take a break from blogging at all, and certainly not this long of a break, but this blog ended up on the back burner for a while, and slowly creeped out of my mind over the summer. Recently I've been feeling very motivated to get back into blogging because I feel like I'm lacking a substantial creative outlet right now. I think that social media has turned in to such a circus, and just being able to write my thoughts out in an old-school sense has a big appeal to me right now.

Some things that have happened since I've last posted:
+ I've taken the LSAT
+ I've moved into a house in Kentucky
+ I visited Washington DC  and Wintergreen VA with my family
+ I started my senior year *gulp* of college
+ I started a new internship at a law firm
+ I chopped 8 inches of my hair off

I'm having the most fun I've ever had and have the most on my plate I have ever had. This year is going to fly by if I don't get my schedule under control soon, but I'm okay with that as long as I can enjoy it! I hope to use this blog as a place to document memories and share my experiences with anyone willing to listen.



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