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5 Ways to Stay Motivated in the Summer

If you're anything like me, during the school year you completely overwork yourself so that once you get home for summer break, all you want to do is relax. I definitely overworked myself this year, but this summer I don't have time to simply relax. I work about 30 hours a week at my summer job, have to begin marketing prep for my job at school am studying for the LSAT, and am moving into my new house at school in July. Not to mention find ways to spend meaningful time with my family.

After a week or so of recovering from school, I always get a burst of energy and have high hopes for my summer. here are some of the ways that I try and stay motivated:

+ Plan everything out. I'm a huge planner and love to see everything written out. I'm a religious user of Google Calendar and sync mine with my family's so we can see what is going on each week. Make a list at the beginning of the summer of all the things you want to do and plan the big stuff out in advance. Then you're left with smaller chunks of space to fill with plans or activities and the time off seems more manageable and productive.

+ Set time aside to read. I find that I always feel better having spent an afternoon or day off reading instead of watching Netflix or napping.

+ Take a long weekend. Recently my mom and I spent three days in Lake Geneva WI for a girls weekend. We walked around town and lounged by the pool and had a nice stress-free time.

+ Leave the house to get work done. I have a really hard time focusing at home, so if I know I have a lot of work to get done for my school job or the blog (or studying for the LSAT), I will try and get out of the house to be more productive.

+ Get into a routine. I try and set a little bit of a routine for myself. Number one is to always have a cup of coffee. This allows me to check my e-mail and read a couple of blog posts before I start my day. (I've totally failed at getting into a workout routine this summer... hoping to fix that this week)

How do you stay motivated in the summer? Comment down below and let me know!


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