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Really Good Friends

Do you have those friends that seem to know when you need a pick-me-up even if they're hundreds of miles away? Those are my favorite types of people. It makes my day when someone from school shoots me a text checking in or a long-winded squeaky voice snapchat video updating me on their day. (A personal favorite form of communication for my friend group) Going to school away from home means making friends from across the country and leaving them periodically throughout the year. It also means people eventually graduate and move away. But the best kinds of people are those who don't dwell on that and still check in every now and then. When I left for college my freshman year, I was confident that I would stay close with all of my high school best friends. Needless to say, that didn't happen. I keep in touch with many of them but am only close with a couple now, three years later. At first, I was upset by this and saddened that I was losing friends from that pa...
Recent posts

Two Weeks Until Milwaukee

It's hard to believe that in just two shorts weeks, I will be moving into my new apartment in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's even harder to believe because I will be on vacation for most of those 2 weeks! There is so much to be done and to prepare for in what feels like so little time. As much as there is to do, I don't think that I have been this excited for something in a long time. I keep telling people I feel like it's the week leading up to Christmas. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, this is what I feel like the last ten years of my life have been building to. My earliest memories of seriously considering becoming a lawyer come from middle school, and now here I am, a mere three weeks away from my first class. It's hard to express all of the different emotions I'm feeling regarding this move. I'm sad, of course, to be moving out of my childhood home for what very well may be the last time. I'm excited at the thought of moving to a new city to p...

Five on Friday

It's hard to believe that it is already Friday! I feel like I was just writing Monday's post. One of the things that has stayed fairly consistent with my blogging over the years is my Five on Friday post. In these posts, I share five random things that are on my mind, whether is a pair of shoes, a book I've been reading, or a life update. 1. The number one thing that has been weighing on my mind this week is housing. I'm moving back home to Chicago from my house in Kentucky *sobs* in just a few short weeks, and then soon I'll be moving up to Wisconsin for law school. I have absolutely no idea where I will be living and don't know if I'll be living with roommates or not, so it has made the apartment search pretty difficult and overwhelming. I know once details start to fall in to place everything will be okay, but for now, I'm scouring the web for affordable and liveable places! 2. Becoming . I'm hoping to finish this book over the weekend becaus...

Nothing Like a Fresh Start

It's hard to believe that it has been so long since I have posted on here. I won't say the break was an intentional decision, but this blog definitely fell to the back burner last summer. A lot has happened since the last time I posted. A brief synopsis would be that I graduated from college with my bachelor's degree and applied to and enrolled in law school. Plenty of stories to share from the last year but I'll be saving those for another time. Photo by   Dominika Roseclay  from  Pexels I've been out of classes for close to a month now, and now that graduation festivities have finally died down and I've recovered from Senior Week, I'm bored. I've always been a bit of a reluctant workaholic. I procrastinate and complain constantly while I'm in school with "so much to do" but then when I have nothing to do, I'm beside myself with boredom and the lack of structure. I've been craving a creative outlet, and the logical choice for...

Blue Light Glasses

I'm not sure if it's the 10 hours + a day I spend on the computer, or the extra 5 I spend on my phone, but my eyes have been tired recently. This was enough for me to look into blue light glasses and purchase a pair. Blue Light is the light from your computer that can strain your eyes and cause trouble falling and staying asleep. I purchased an  inexpensive pair  just to try them out, and so far I'm really enjoying them. I've forgotten to throw them in my bag a couple of times, and now always wish I had them because I've noticed a significant difference in how tired my eyes feel by two or three pm. So I want to know, have you tried blue light blocking glasses? If so which ones do you have and what do you think of them?

Senior Year

I can't believe I'm already a month into my senior year of college. It's always been going quickly, but I feel like this year has been such a whirlwind already. Professors are already giving out midterms... I didn't mean to take a break from blogging at all, and certainly not this long of a break, but this blog ended up on the back burner for a while, and slowly creeped out of my mind over the summer. Recently I've been feeling very motivated to get back into blogging because I feel like I'm lacking a substantial creative outlet right now. I think that social media has turned in to such a circus, and just being able to write my thoughts out in an old-school sense has a big appeal to me right now. Some things that have happened since I've last posted: + I've taken the LSAT + I've moved into a house in Kentucky + I visited Washington DC  and Wintergreen VA with my family + I started my senior year *gulp* of college + I started a new...

5 Ways to Stay Motivated in the Summer

If you're anything like me, during the school year you completely overwork yourself so that once you get home for summer break, all you want to do is relax. I definitely overworked myself this year, but this summer I don't have time to simply relax. I work about 30 hours a week at my summer job, have to begin marketing prep for my job at school am studying for the LSAT, and am moving into my new house at school in July. Not to mention find ways to spend meaningful time with my family. After a week or so of recovering from school, I always get a burst of energy and have high hopes for my summer. here are some of the ways that I try and stay motivated: + Plan everything out. I'm a huge planner and love to see everything written out. I'm a religious user of Google Calendar and sync mine with my family's so we can see what is going on each week. Make a list at the beginning of the summer of all the things you want to do and plan the big stuff out in advance. Then...