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Five on Friday

It's hard to believe that it is already Friday! I feel like I was just writing Monday's post. One of the things that has stayed fairly consistent with my blogging over the years is my Five on Friday post. In these posts, I share five random things that are on my mind, whether is a pair of shoes, a book I've been reading, or a life update.

1. The number one thing that has been weighing on my mind this week is housing. I'm moving back home to Chicago from my house in Kentucky *sobs* in just a few short weeks, and then soon I'll be moving up to Wisconsin for law school. I have absolutely no idea where I will be living and don't know if I'll be living with roommates or not, so it has made the apartment search pretty difficult and overwhelming. I know once details start to fall in to place everything will be okay, but for now, I'm scouring the web for affordable and liveable places!

2. Becoming. I'm hoping to finish this book over the weekend because it's just that good. I've been chipping away at it every day this week and loving each chapter more than the last. Her career path is very similar to what I see myself pursuing in the future, so it's definitely relatable and inspirational. Next, on my reading list are two more non-fiction finds.

3. Taking a break from dip manicures. I've been getting gel manicures for the past two years and then switched to dip this past October and while I've loved having really thick shiny nails for the past eight months, I know it's taken quite the toll on my nails. I think I need to take a break from the manicures for a week or two and then switch back to my trusty gel!

4. Decluttering. This goes along with the moving point I made in #1, but I feel like I only wear half of my closet. I have tons of dresses lying around that I wore for one event and then keep around "just in case" even though I know I probably won't wear them again. I'm definitely going to work on clearing out my closet before I head home for the summer. I'm thinking of using Poshmark to get rid of some of my nicer pieces. Let me know how your experience has been if you've used Poshmark in the past!

5. I have a graduation party to attend this weekend and I picked up this dress at H&M to wear. It's going to be super hot out so I figured casual and comfy would be the way to go. I'm planning on dressing it up with some gold jewelry and snakeskin sandals!

I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!


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