I've posted a couple of times on here about how I struggle daily with anxiety. Recently some people in my life have been asking me what I do when I feel anxious and how I can combat it, so I thought I would share three things that I do that help me out. 1. Deep Breathing. This helps me out the most when I'm flying. I'm a fairly nervous flyer, for no particular reason other than I tend to dramatize every little thing (every *ding* over the speaker, every turn or dip the plane takes, etc.). Whenever we're taking off or landing, I try and breathe really slowly and deeply so that my body stays relaxed. My old Fitbit had a guided deep breathing exercise that I would use sometimes. I try to focus as much as I can on my breathing so that I don't think about anything else. And I know this will sound weird, but on my short flights to and from Chicago (45 minutes) I will listen to the same song on repeat the whole flight. One of my go-to's for this is Cough Syrup b...