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Showing posts from March, 2018

3 Little Things that Help My Anxiety

I've posted a couple of times on here about how I struggle daily with anxiety. Recently some people in my life have been asking me what I do when I feel anxious and how I can combat it, so I thought I would share three things that I do that help me out. 1. Deep Breathing. This helps me out the most when I'm flying. I'm a fairly nervous flyer, for no particular reason other than I tend to dramatize every little thing (every *ding* over the speaker, every turn or dip the plane takes, etc.). Whenever we're taking off or landing, I try and breathe really slowly and deeply so that my body stays relaxed. My old Fitbit  had a guided deep breathing exercise that I would use sometimes. I try to focus as much as I can on my breathing so that I don't think about anything else. And I know this will sound weird, but on my short flights to and from Chicago (45 minutes) I will listen to the same song on repeat the whole flight. One of my go-to's for this is Cough Syrup b...

Looking Forward To...

Popping in to share some things I'm looking forward to in the next few weeks! + My first Dance Performance since 2016. This semester I am performing in a jazz/hip-hop number with our school's new dance company and I am so excited! We have our showcase on Friday and I can't wait to get on stage again. A lot of my friends didn't even know that I used to dance for 16 years, so it will be really fun to share this part of my life with them. + Warmer Weather. It has snowed two times in the past three days in Louisville. It's just been a light dusting each night, but I still can't believe it. I'm ready for the 70 degrees days of February to return ASAP! + St. Patrick's Day. My Mom's side of the family is obsessed with St.Patrick's Day (Mostly because of my Grandpa Jim) so I can't wait to celebrate this weekend! A friend and I are planning on going out in the afternoon to avoid that craziness that goes on that night. + Meditating. ...

Five on Friday

Hi Friends! I can't believe its already Friday! This week flew by at home, but I'm excited to soon be back in the swing of things at school. 1. New Pajamas Yesterday I was picking up a new PopSocket for my phone at Target, and then got distracted in the books aisle, and then before I knew it, I had been wandering around Target for an hour and a half. I had been looking through the pajama section but didn't see anything cute, and then as I was walking through the homegoods section I saw the cutest pair of pajamas on display ! (Sidenote: Has anyone else's Target been redone to the point where everything is in the oddest places? There were mattresses and school supplies near the entrance, and a random display of toys in the middle of the store...) Anyways, I'm obsessed with these pajamas. They're so comfortable and soft, and the design reminds me of Draper James! 2. New Glasses Yesterday I had an eye appointment and finally picked out a new pair of glas...

International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day to all my fellow ladies. We work so hard every day to live great lives, and are working even harder to improve the lives of those in the future. What an amazing time to be a woman. I mean seriously, in my short lifetime, I've never experienced so much pride in being female. There are so many amazing role models right now for little girls (and big girls) to look up to. It really makes me feel like something big is coming.  Let's all be a part of the change and stand up for what is right every day, and hold up those around us! Compliment the random girl in your philosophy class, like the girl's selfie on Instagram, write a note to your friend when you know she's feeling rough! We deserve greatness and equity, and together we can achieve it! Be sure to hug all of your favorite lady friends extra tight today. As Leslie Knope would say "Uteruses before duderuses!"